Posted by By AfroTeam
Title: THE BIG CIGAR (2024)
Original title: The Big Cigar Director: Damon Thomas |
TRAILER of the film: The Big Cigar Artists: Andre Holland, Don Cheadle, Glynn E Turman, Marc Menchaca, Alessandro Nivola, P.J. Byrne, James Cade, Olli Haaskivi, Hudson Wurster, Rebecca Dalton, Chris Brochu, Brendan Morgan |
Follows Huey P. Newton’s life. He escaped to Cuba to avoid prosecution for murder with the help of Bert Schneider, the Hollywood producer behind Easy Rider, as well as a few other celebrity radicals.
Released: 17/05/2024 (Usa)
Andre Holland |
Glynn E Turman |
Don Cheadle |