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Roger Guenveur Smith
Ne le : 27 / 7 / 1959 , Berkeley , Usa –
Grandi et residant a Los Angeles. Apres avoir etudie 4 ans pour obtenir un doctorat, il est alle ensuite etudier a l’ecole d’art dramatique de Yale.
Pour finir a l’ecole Spike Lee “Do the right thing, Malcom X, Get on the Bus “. Mais les spectateurs de television le connaissent mieux pour la serie “Oz”.
AUTRES FILMS AVEC: Roger Guenveur Smith

Rodney King
Role: Rodney King


the Birth of a Nation
Role: Isaiah

Role: Austin Jacoby

They Die by Dawn
Role: Jourdon Anderson

Better Mus’ Come
Role: Ministre/Miniter

Mooz Lum
Role: Hassan

Role: Jack

The Take
Role: Peter Reese

Role: Kevin Wilson

American Gangster
Role: Nate

Chasseurs de Primes
Role: Julian Ramose

Summer of Sam
Role: Detective Curt Atwater

He Got Game
Role: Big Time Willie

Le Secret du Bayou
Role: Lenny Mereaux

Get on the Bus
Role: Gary

Tales from the Hood
Role: Rhodie

Role: Pruitt

Poetic Justice
Role: Heywood

Malcolm X
Role: Rudy

Do the right Thing
Role: Smiley

School Daze
Role: Yoda
SERIES TV AVEC: Roger Guenveur Smith

City of Angels
Role: Terry Pennington

Role: Huseni Mershah

Campus Show (A Different World)
Role: Prof. Howard Randolph
Article Ciné
A Different World ( 1987 ), Acteur Afro Américain, Afro-American Actor, All About The Benjamins ( 2002 ), American Gangster ( 2007 ), Better Mus' Come (2010), biographie, Biography, Campus Show ( 1987 ), Chasseurs de Primes (2002), City of Angels ( 2000 ), Cover ( 2007 ), Do the right Thing ( 1989 ), Dope (2015), Eve's Bayou (1997), Fighting (2009), Filmographie, Filmography, Get on the Bus ( 1996 ), He Got Game ( 1998 ), interview, Le Secret du Bayou (1997), Malcolm X ( 1992 ), Marshall (2017), Mooz Lum (2010), Oz ( 1997 ), Panther (1995), Poetic Justice ( 1993 ), Rodney King (2017), Roger Guenveur Smith, School Daze (1988), Summer of Sam (1999), Tales from the Hood (1995), the Birth of a Nation (2016), The Take ( 2007 ), They Die by Dawn (2013)